Ansible tips & tricks

Ansible data types

integer: 3211241
boolean: true/false
float: 3.141592653
string: "qwerty"
- "item 1"
- "item 2"
key1: "value 1"
key2: "value 2"

Dump all variables

- name: dump all
  hosts: all
    - name: Print some debug information 
        msg: |
          Module Variables ("vars"):
          {{ vars | to_nice_json }} 
          Environment Variables ("environment"):
          {{ environment | to_nice_json }} 
          GROUP NAMES Variables ("group_names"):
          {{ group_names | to_nice_json }}
          GROUPS Variables ("groups"):
          {{ groups | to_nice_json }}
          HOST Variables ("hostvars"):
          {{ hostvars | to_nice_json }} 

        msg: "{{ msg.split('\n') }}"

manipulating data

Extract subitems from list of dictionaries

Use "{{ variable | map(attribute='key_name') | list }}"

Select items from list of dictionaries

Use "{{ variable | selectattr('key_name', 'match', 'value') | list }}"

Instead of match, you can also use search or regex. See:

See the Jinja2 documentation for a list of available tests:

Sort list of dictionaries by subitem

Use "{{ variable | sort(attribute='key_name') }}"

Add item to list

Use "{{ variable | default([]) + [item] }}"

Add item to dictionary

Use "{{ variable | default({}) | combine({key_name: key_value}) }}"

Replace multiple lines using replace module (lineinfile does not support multi-line regexp)


- name: Comment out hint zone "." in named.conf
    path: "/etc/named.conf"
    regexp: '^(zone\s+"\."\s+IN\s+{[^\n]*)\n(\s*type\s+hint;[^\n]*)\n(\s*file\s+"named\.ca";[^\n]*)\n(};)'
    replace: '# \1\n# \2\n# \3\n# \4'

-- Ivo van Geel - 21 Sep 2021

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Topic revision: r5 - 17 Nov 2021 - IvoVanGeel
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