Difference: RootLandRoverEplore (1 vs. 2)

Revision 217 Sep 2020 - IvoVanGeel

Line: 1 to 1

How to root a Land Rover Explore phone

It seems there is no way yet to root this phone. Will update when available
  Please note: This procedure will erase all data on your phone, make a backup before proceeding!

Revision 117 Sep 2020 - IvoVanGeel

Line: 1 to 1

How to root a Land Rover Explore phone

Please note: This procedure will erase all data on your phone, make a backup before proceeding!

  1. Power on the Phone and wait until it has started
  2. Make a connection to the phone and accept the PC connected to it: adb devices
  3. Reboot the device into fastboot mode: adb reboot bootloader
  4. Unlock the device: fastboot oem unlock
  5. Press the Volume Up button to confirm unlocking
  6. Reboot the device by holding the power button
  7. The device will reboot a few times to erase all data

-- Ivo van Geel - 17 Sep 2020

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